Mahy In WA

Life in Warmun...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Jo's Visit!

Non stop party is the only way to describe the past few weeks. Jo arrived on the 26th of August. Straight from the plane to the Kununurra Ladies Day Races!! We met up with the Waterloo Station crew, who I met a few weeks before at the Kununurra Rodeo... A fantastic night! Plenty of partying to be had by all. We are all in the same situation, limited social life where we work, and therefore a little wild when we are let out!!

The following week was the Kununurra Cup... Needless to say we made our way back to the race track and met up with a few friends from the week before!

The races were followed by breakfast and a slow day of recovery at a friends place before the drive home. Blitzen and Mango are pictured below...

The following week was filled with adventure as we entertained guests stopping in for dinner and a roof over their head on their way through Warmun. On the weekend we opted for a quite one with the funeral of a young man that died a few months before on the Saturday.

A few nights we visited the local night club, (AKA my place) with msuic cranked and the beverages flowing there were no complaints from the guests. Bouncer Mia at the door kept the crowds under control. The music was good, the drinks were cheap, there was plenty of room on the dancefloor and it wasn't a long walk home... What more can you ask from a nightclub?? I suppose a little talent wouldnt have gone astray! (Ah the things we do to entertain ourselves in Warmun!)

One afternoon we took a walk up the hill behind my house. Mia followed, aside from being near heart attack... She enjoyed her climb to the summit! She really does like it out here!

The sunset and the view is amazing from the top... Worth the climb!

Jo was in and out of the class room, and worked on her tan when she could! Below is Jo giving the Go Karts a whirl... Rumour has it she is 'deadly' on them... Well better than Miss Leanne!

The following week we reopened the nightclub. This time we found some talent (or the closest you can get in Warmun!) we had the electicians who were staying at the roadhouse next door over... Entry fee for males on this night consisted of steak and beverages (as the fridge was empty and the bar was dry!) They came through with the goods so we welcomed them with open arms.

The following day we had a womens sexual health day with the 6/7 and High School girls. It really was a fantastic day. In the afternoon we took the girls out bush for a camp out overnight. We throw this phrase "two way" around up here. It is about embracing tradition and culture and marrying it with the western life that surrounds us. On this day, I truly saw this appoach in action.

The girls were great during the day, especially given the risque content! Then later, it was amazing to see the girls take over as we arrived out bush. When I articulated that I was no longer in charge and that they were to teach me, their whole energy changed. I had 15 young girls all trying to impress... little women really. They made fire, cooked damper and cooked dinner for the elders and myself.

We listened to the elders talk about sexual health in their way around the campfire. Then, as the women chanted the girls danced. One by one we went off to bed and let the girls wear themselves out. I watched, one by one the girls made their way around one of the fires burning and started 'yarning' to my amazement they discussed what we had taught during the day. It brought a tear to my eye! From there they broke into song... Gospel songs! I just layed back in my swag, looked at the stars, I listened as I drifted off to sleep.


  • At 7:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Doint an awesome job Leanne......keep it up. Those kids will be lost without you. Hope to get over to visit you sometime when I get home. Enjoy the weather, the snow has started nice and early here!!!

    Miss ya,
    Nerro xx

  • At 9:08 am, Blogger barjumpa said…

    I am enjoying reading your blog. Obviously you seem to be enjoying the time over there in WA. Keep up the good work and keep the interesting stories flowing.
    Love alway.
    Geoff Cook


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